I have to quickly post that I saw Billy Connolly tonight at The Hammersmith Odeon and, despite some recent newspaper comments, I have to say I have never laughed so much or so hard. Of course, I can’t actually remember any of the jokes but I will remember this feeling of joy for a very long time. If you get the chance you really should go and see him.
Of course if you want an alternative view read what The Times said this morning, although I imagine nobody else in tonight’s audience would agree:
He has become a frightful bully, willing to address only the converted and noticeably absent when its his turn to be on the receiving end. Connolly has become the patron saint of the truly humourless, one who is little more than three years shy of retirement age. Don’t you wish that, like the fanatics of Baghdad, hed just hurry up and get on with it?
Well, he still made me laugh.