Flick For Canada

Vancouver, Flickr’s home town, has a reputation for beauty.

Flickr is my photo site of choice right now. Ideally I would like to generate similar features using Gallery (which I have hosted on my site too) but I don’t yet have the time to sort all that out. So, right now, Flickr will do me very well. I am pleased to learn in their recent blog post that they are Canadian (I have such a soft spot for Canada) and – what’s more – they are based in Vancouver which is where we’re planning out holiday next year. You weren’t really interested in that were you?

Weekend In Britain’s Smallest County

A weekend away with friends and a visit to Rutland Water.

image of a log on the shoreline at Rutland Water This weekend we’ve had an enjoyable weekend with some friends who live near Rutland Water which, according to Anglian Water, is one of the “largest man-made reservoirs in Europe and is located in Rutland, England’s smallest county. Set in 3,100 acres of countryside, it has a 25-mile circular track for walking and cycling”. Earlier today it was a little cloudy so I didn’t really get any great pictures but, nonetheless, it’s a place I want to head back to.

Trail Of Damage

Hurricane Ivan has already left a massive trail of damage in the Caribbean, killing at least 27 people elsewhere, mostly in Grenada.

jamaican beach in 1999jamaica in 1999In 1999 I was lucky enough to travel to Jamaica to see my father who was working there at the time. If I am honest I was not much taken by Kingston but outside of the capital it’s a very beautifully country. I will not forget the day on the speedboat cutting across the clear waters nor will I forget freshly caught lobster, cooked and eaten on the beach. This week I have been wondering what happened to these places after hurricane Ivan went on its seek and destroy mission across the Caribbean.

Fish For Me

I found a fishmonger. I know this isn’t revolutionary but it’s important to me.

For several months I have been trying to find a fishmonger – a good, decent purveyor of fine foods who will have fresh fish but prepare it for me on site and explain a little more about it. And today I found a great little place by Clapham South underground station: Moxons.

Where’s Matt’s Tongue?

There are too many obvious jokes here.

I have no real reason to post this about Matt Damon and porn apart from the fact that is amused me a great deal:

It’s difficult to tell if Damon’s tongue was firmly implanted in cheek when he spoke, but World Entertainment News Network is reporting that Matt wants to make a “character-driven” XXX flick – with dare we say it, a plot. [source]

and Steph and Alek have some great pictures. It’s probably not wise to think about it a great deal.

Cuties At Lunch

Cute guys in a video. I wish it was like this every lunchtime.

Really, I am not sure Steph and Alek should be allowed to post images of so many cute things. It doesn’t help when you’re catching up with their site over lunch! These images from a Counting Crows video make me want to watch music television all day just to see if it is shown or not.

Another Day Gone

Where did today go?

So I had the day off work today and had planned on doing lots of things. I did, in fact, do quite a lot but not the things I wanted to do. I wanted to work on some web site projects and other stuff that I usually don’t get time to do. Still, I upgrade this Movable Type instance to 3.11 so I can see the new features. I did – also – move it to a MySQL database rather than leaving it on the static files that it used to be on. I hope this has made it better but there will be – no doubt – be some oddities that need ironing out.

Comments now need approval unless you have a TypeKey id. This is designed to reduce the amount of spam but if I find spammers have keys I will just turn all comments to require approval.<

Watching Me Everywhere

Apparently, there are 4.2 million cameras watching the people of London.

In my little piece about gmail last week I noted that my journey to work covers many CCTV cameras. In a piece published on the same day at CNN it was noted that there are something like 4.2 million cameras observing our moves around the British capital. That really does seem like a great number. An American author – Jeffrey Rosen – notes,

Instead of being perceived as an Orwellian intrusion, the cameras in Britain … were hailed as the people’s technology, a friendly eye in the sky, not Big Brother but a kindly and watchful uncle or aunt [source]

Do you really think this is the case? I certainly don’t think of it as the people’s technology although I will admit to resigned acceptance of the devices. On the whole I suspect they are a necessary evil in the world we inhabit. Is that a foolish notion?

Why Do We Love Our Mobile Phones?

Why are we always looking for the next new ‘phone? I know I’ve been looking.

Picture of a Palm Treo 600Occasionally I have noted my use of a Palm powered Treo on Orange in the UK. It’s an OK ‘phone and an OK organiser (and an OK MP3 player and a poor camera) but as one, pocket-sized device it more-or-less rocks. Sometimes I wish it was smaller and sometimes I wish it was bigger. Sometimes I wish I’d spent the cash on the keyboard accessory and then, sometimes, I don’t.

Last month Engadget carried what they said were ‘actual pics of the new Treo Ace/Treo 650‘ which is the next version of the device and – of course – carries some neat improvements. At the start of next year I will be 12 months into the contract for the ‘phone and able to change it. The thing is – although I love all the features and I love the whole Palm experience – I can’t help thinking that I need to get a simpler machine that is just a telephone.

Ah, the dilemmas of the gadget obsessed.

Listen To Musak August 2004

August 2004 was a popular month here at Listen To Musak. No idea why.

Just back from a great weekend away – which I will mention later. However, on my return I quickly read my stats for August (not sure what prompted it) and I am confused. August 2004 has had the most number of pages visited (although not the most number of actual requests) but is, nonetheless, counted as the busiest month by my log analysis tool. I have no idea why as not much really happened in August. Ah well, maybe all those spiders are reading my site! I see Movable Type has now released 3.1 which I think I will look to upgrade to and then who knows what wonders I might add. One of the new features is the ability to schedule posts for the future which will – I hope – allow me to develop another idea I have had for a site.