Week commencing Monday, 22 August 2022

Quantified Self
- This week: Stand 7/7; Exercise 6/7 and Move 5/7. (86%, this is OK).
- After a lovely weekend away it was back to work with an afternoon in the, deserted, office. And some drinks with my bosses. Really nice chat and a lovely note from them the following morning.
- Tuesday was the evening dubbed by Louise as ‘Social Chit-chatting, innit?’ – a lovely evening in Bill’s Restaurant Soho, followed by an over-priced bottle of Cote du Rhône outside the Ham Yard Hotel. Mainly amusing for the waiter trying to serve our red in a wine cooler bag which was leaking all over the table.
- Another night out on Thursday. This one included the revelation that is the Pizza Pilgrims: Eight Cheese Pizza with ricotta, fior di latte mozzarella, Grana Padano, gorgonzola, provola, Parmesan and buffalo mozzarella, all baked and topped with a burratina and sweet chilli jam. 1091 kcal calories. Wow. I only ate half.
- I actually managed to get some events and visits booked for this year’s Open House Festival which I think is a first. Including a tour of a department store.
- Listened to Stephanie Hirst as a guest on For Real with Roger Cutsforth. A lovely conversation. I was inspired to listen thanks to a video on a tweet.
- Another radio legend left his show this week. I guess I’ll soon be listening to Scott Mills now he’s departed Radio 1 for 2. #LoveYouBye
- We completed Spy City, a series about Cold War spies in Berlin just before the wall was erected. Dominic Cooper, as Fielding Scott, seems to be the perfect British spy. Enjoyable way to pass a few hours but I can’t work out where it will go if there is ever a second series.
- Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness was better than expected. The trouble with a lot of these movies now is the requirement to know the related films. Or at least the sense that, if you don’t know them, you’re missing out. I think this one navigated that quite well. Also, I’d see WandaVision.
- Finished reading Hungry by Grace Dent. She has a wonderful way of making an almost throwaway comment really funny. The ending was not what I thought. If nothing else, recommended for the advice on dealing with a sommelier.
To save the links getting lost in the future I checked the Internet Archive to see what they had saved for the posts linked here. If the original source above no longer works, these should.
- Eight cheese pizza
- 2022 Open House Festival
- If you only watch one video today make sure it’s this one from @StephanieHirst
- Scott Mills and Chris Stark – BBC Radio 1 final sign off (25/08/2022)
- Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness
- Hungry by Grace Dent review – a delicious tribute
Archived at The Wayback Machine