Week commencing Monday, 26 June 2023

Quantified Self
- This week: Stand 6/7; Exercise 4/7 and Move 5/7. (71%, much better). Morning walks: 0/3 (days in the office don’t count). Office days 2/5. Total steps: 59,192
- Tuesday, met up with friends. We started in a bar near King’s Cross but SP thought £6.10 was over-priced for a pint. So, we went to the Water Rats where it was £6.80. We sat drinking and didn’t go in to see Verity Ellen’s Tribute to Beyonce Album Launch but I do wish we had. Not entirely sure what to make of some of the conversation.
- Related, a taxi from central London to my house is now over £60. I won’t be doing that again in a hurry. Related, related; is commenting on how everything seems more expensive now a factor of the ‘cost of living’ crisis or age?
- I ended up working late on Wednesday to get speaker notes together for a webinar that we recorded at work. We used PowerPoint to project them onto a screen. A helpful, improvised autocue. I probably won’t watch it back (but, you know, you should).
- Thursday night to The Island and working from there on Friday. Got a walk to see the sea at lunchtime but it was raining which made it not as great as it sounds. We both finished work before 6pm. So, we went to a pub and discovered pan-fried egg crisps.
- The Round The Island Race is much better viewed from the Appley with a big wide vista. My photos will never do it justice but, professionals know what they are doing.
- West End in the Woods was brilliantly done. The Island’s Buses worked really well, which is a relief or else we would have been a bit stranded.
- The Actor’s church is lovely. ‘Don’t Tell The Bishops’ was celebratory and Angie Brown was a nicely nostalgic act to close with (also, brilliant)
- If you watch BBC telly you’ll know Duncan Newmarch’s voice. The latest version of his ‘radio’ show, Stuck In the 80s was out this week. Hat tip, Tom Scott and James Cridland. Amazing production. I wonder if it could have been done on live radio? But, this machine would have helped a lot.
- Being old enough to watch the evolution of YouTube is fascinating: “Every single minute 500 hours of video is uploaded to YouTube. Yet at the top, some of the world’s biggest creators quitting, crying being cancelled. But despite this, there are still 113 million other channels of people giving everything to try and make it big.” UNTOLD: The Cost of Being a YouTuber | Channel 4 Documentaries
- Not cleaning videos this week, but relaxation came from watching excellent driving under blue lights: Over to the Motorway – 999 run
To save the links getting lost in the future I checked the Internet Archive to see what they had saved for the posts linked here. If the original source above no longer works, these should.
- Verity Ellen’s Tribute to Beyonce Album Launch
- curns’ Instagram: Pan fried-egg crisps
- BBC: Round The Island Race
- Angie Brown at The Actor’s Church.
- Duncan Newmarch – Stuck in the 80s: 4 The Last Time
- Weekly newsletters: Tom Scott – James Cridland
- YouTube: UNTOLD: The Cost of Being a YouTuber
- YouTube: Over to the Motorway – 999 run