Week commencing Monday, 18 September 2023

Quantified Self
- This week: Stand 5/7; Exercise 3/7 and Move 5/7. (62%, slipping). Morning walks: 0/1 (days in the office don’t count). Office days 4/5. Total steps: 62,418
- Monday, a nice few drinks with people who will soon be ex-colleagues. Have to admit to, quite a bit of, ‘why am I doing this?’
- Related, noticeably cold on the platform waiting for the train home.
- Tuesday, completing the circle. On my first day the trains were cancelled to mess up my arrival and, now, the same on the last.
- Lovely final day where the developers showed me completed software and it was exactly what I imagined. Good stuff.
- Nice words to end the day, handed back IT and then a nice email from my boss.
- First day in the new one was a quiet day in the new – but familiar – office. I don’t like the crowded trains from Clapham. Home, a different way was marginally better. Thursday, trains the other way around were much more pleasant so that’s going to be my route.
- Friday was much quieter but I did get to upgrade my phone to the new software, iOS17. I am not sure I can immediately tell the difference.
- Lots of good advice from Merlin Mann: No one has ever died wishing they’d spent more time documenting their “minimalist desk”.
- Back at The Crazy Coqs for Fleetwood Mac and Stevie Nicks and it was fantastic. I don’t know if it’s because there’s been a gap between shows or because I am not as familiar with all the music but I thought the evening was wonderful.
- The new series of Taskmaster starts. And there’s a new tin can tower task which was wonderfully funny.
- I love these detailed reviews of iPhone software: iOS and iPadOS 17: The MacStories Review
- Interesting insight into the life of a tabloid editor. Gordon Smart was the editor of The Scottish Sun, and deputy editor of the Sun. The News agents – Who is the real Russell Brand? An interview with Gordon Smart
To save the links getting lost in the future I checked the Internet Archive to see what they had saved for the posts linked here. If the source above no longer works, these should.