Week commencing Monday, 20 May 2024

Quantified Self
- This week: Stand 7/7; Exercise 4/7 and Move 6/7. (81%). Morning walks: 0/4 (days in the office don’t count). Office days 1/5. Total steps: 60,984
- Interesting new project on the agenda at work this week, but it feels like a tight timeframe. Let’s see.
- The washing machine saga continues. This week’s engineer didn’t even open the machine before declaring a different part was needed. Booked for next week. By the weekend, my complaint had resulted in some compensation, but the machine remains unusable.
- Related, the call centre I spoke to told me, no, I could not speak with a supervisor because the person I was talking to was “perfectly trained to help me”. I believe she had heard my, “but you’re not” response before.
- I gave blood again on Wednesday. I hadn’t thought the pain in my shoulder would stop me, but the staff were wonderful, checking that the “giving” position wouldn’t hurt me.
- Related, the nurse and I both agreed that a shoehorn was an amazing invention.
- Relatedly, related. Can you get orange-flavoured Club biscuits anywhere other than blood donation centres?
- Friday night train not as busy as expected. The ferry, on the other hand, was much busier. A sunny weekend on the Isle of Wight.
- The drinks and snacks at the place with the award-winning chef were nice, but not stocking Island produce because it’s ”everywhere” was, in my book, poor form.
- We’re going to see Heathers, The Musical in a few weeks. I hadn’t watched the movie before, so we did. It’s dark and very 80s. You wouldn’t get away with some of that today.
- Previously, I wasn’t liking this series of Doctor Who. This week, 73 Yards was a masterpiece.
- Andy Burnham, on James O’Brien’s Full Disclosure podcast was a great listen.