Weeknotes #71: I saw a human fruit machine

Enjoyable week filled with activities and discoveries.

Week commencing Monday, 27 May 2024

A view out to see with Bembridge Lifeboat Station, Isle of Wight in the distance. A sunny day with a few clouds in the sky.
Bembridge Lifeboat Station, Isle of Wight

Quantified Self

  • This week: Stand 6/7; Exercise 6/7 and Move 6/7. (86%). Morning walks: 0/3 (days in the office don’t count). Office days 1/4. Total steps: 74,977


  • A general election was called last week. Apparently, the man in charge of everything didn’t check the weather forecast before announcing it in the rain. Several hours after the event, I was told, and I still haven’t seen a picture of him in the rain. I didn’t mention it in last week’s notes because the only thing that will change between now and ‘the date’ is that I’ll despair more about the people in power. As a result, I resolved to spend more time in my garden.
  • Bank holiday Monday to the Bembridge street fair. Just thinking about the human fruit machine, and I am still laughing. Lots of people and packed buses. Lovely community spirit.
  • Related, we walked out towards the pier and lifeboat station. Lovely scone with a peaceful view of the water.
  • I discovered, by scrolling to some obscure part of the NHS app, that my physiotherapy referral for my shoulder had been cancelled because I didn’t have an appointment. I called to ask why I’d not been asked to make one. After much computer clicking, I finally have an appointment (albeit for a telephone consultation). It’s a start. Yay.
  • Are you here for the washing machine content? This week, a different engineer was sympathetic to the saga. New drum. The machine is not working—parts are out of stock. I can’t face the call queue.
  • Difficult meeting on Wednesday. It will not be resolved quickly. Work to put in, so I went for a walk on Cannon Hill Common. It’s looking very lush and green.
  • Friday night to buy paint to patch up some walls.
  • On Saturday, we tried to picnic on the beach, but the wind was against us.
  • On Sunday, I sat in the marina-side bar and drank wine before the train home. The sun shone. A lovely way to end the week.
