Weeknotes #75: sunshine is here

Enjoyable weekend filled with friends, events, and sunshine.

Week commencing Monday, 24 June 2024

A London Pride poster on the big advertising board at Piccadilly Circus
London Pride 2024

Quantified Self

  • This week: Stand 6/7; Exercise 4/7 and Move 6/7. (76%). Morning walks: 0/4 (days in the office don’t count). Office days 1/4. Total steps: 65,855


  • Exhausted after the weekend. Hot and sunny by the sea. Brunch a lovely collection of seafood. The Dell’s crab gratin is wonderful.
  • It was still hot on Tuesday when we were home. Outside the thermometer registered 24ºc. I ate my lunch sat on the garden bench.
  • I learned that you do not need to be a fan of the streaming juggernaut that is Stranger Things to appreciate the theatre experience, but you do need to be prepared to sit in a theatre for almost three hours of performance.
  • Drinks after work on Thursday somehow ended up in a pub on Regents Street that was remarkably quiet for a Thursday evening.
  • Bucks Fizz. The Fizz were remarkable fun at Indigo O2 on Friday night. There was quite a bit of energy on stage that I might have been lacking.
  • Saturday to a friend’s kitchen shop opening in North London: we might have really been the first through the door.
  • Back home via Pride in London. Lots of happy people in the sunshine. Good vibes.
  • We might have been dancing until the early hours at M&Rs. Sorry to their neighbours.
  • Sunday night was Pride at The Crazy Cows. Always a good fun.