Weeknotes #76: mixed meals & voting

Enjoyable week with family, good food, and memorable events.

Week commencing Monday, 1 July 2024

Polling Station sign for the 2024 general election at Raynes Park library
Polling Station

Quantified Self

  • This week: Stand 4/7; Exercise 1/7 and Move 4/7. (43%). Morning walks: 0/4 (days in the office don’t count). Office days 0/5. Total steps: 38,383


  • Mum and Dad arrived to make use of the anniversary gift and enjoyed the afternoon tea at Fortnum and Mason. The day before, dinner at a local Korean restaurant was mediocre.
  • While they were eating finger sandwiches and buying tea towels, I went to the physio about my shoulder. It was supposed to be a seminar but because so few people were booked on it we all got a personal consultation. I think I will have some kind of injection to see if it helps.
  • Wednesday, we all had delicious Mediterranean but, perhaps, I ordered too many dips. I enjoyed it.
  • Mum & Dad took the train back on Thursday morning. I went to vote. I am not sure if it was tactical or what I would have done anyway.
  • Evening drinks at The White Horse meant I was spared the big 10pm exit poll TV shenanigans. When I got home I did stay up watching too many results while flicking between channels.
  • Friday, Closer to Heaven at The Turbine theatre is good. Frances Ruffelle excellent as Billie Trix. It’s the third version we’ve seen and I’d recommend this one. We had cabaret-style tables but kept the little card to say no interaction. In hindsight, that was the wrong decision.
  • Sunday, Thames-side to an Airbnb in Wraysbury for C’s birthday. The house is nice with a view of the river, the pub had great service and great steaks.
