Weeknotes #82: Disused railways, Next To Normal

Engaged in social activities, theatre, and enjoyable media moments.

Week commencing Monday, 12 August 2024

A London Underground roundel at Holborn, the last one featuring Kingsway in brackets on the sign
The only surviving one mentioning Kingsway

Quantified Self

  • This week: Stand 6/7; Exercise 4/7 and Move 5/7. (71%). Morning walks: 0/5 (days in the office don’t count). Plant diversity: 45. Total steps: 57,194


  • Excellent internal presentation on the history of software. Shame I can’t share any of it.
  • Wednesday, really? We all jump now that management ask questions when I have been asking for weeks? This is how it works. But it shouldn’t be.
  • Wednesday, I learned that there is an optimal temperature to give blood, meaning the current hot spell requires the blood service to rent large cooling units at my local donation centre.
  • Thursday morning, I fear I came across as annoyed in a meeting where the team didn’t appreciate I was trying to protect them.
  • Drinks with old friends on Thursday. Always the best.
  • Saturday night, Next to Normal is a rock musical that explores the struggles of a suburban family dealing with mental illness. Not the usual West End musical jolly, but sensitively done.
  • Pre-theatre dinner was at Mildreds: I was determined not to have anything faking something traditionally meat-based. That ruled out the burgers and anything with their “chick+n” in it. Grilled Roman artichoke & hemp Caesar salad was wonderful.
  • Sunday morning, up and out for a 10 am Hidden London tour of Holborn station, where two platforms from the former Strand (Aldwych) branch line are unused and hidden from day-to-day operations.
  • Finally, bye-bye London’s Kiss 100. Back when we did silly things, my work email inbox played the jingle “1 Kiss will make it better”. It drove people mad.
