Week commencing Monday, 23 September 2024

Quantified Self
- This week: Stand 7/7; Exercise 7/7 and Move 7/7. (100%). Morning walks: 0/3 (days in the office don’t count). Office days 2/5. Total steps: 66,251
- I could write about train delays and missed connections, but I won’t. Except to say it happened Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. Although I also made the last train home on two of those days.
- In the office for two days this week. Tuesday was a divisional ‘All Hands’, and there were sponsored drinks afterwards, which was nice. The later drinks started to border on discussions about agile development practices. I’ll admit I was part of it and shouldn’t have been (see below).
- Thursday, there was a small team ‘All Hands’ followed by a leaving do. It was emotional at times.
- Friday, a carpet was fitted. I saw it when I arrived in the evening. It’s very nice underfoot. We had more fish and chips.
- Saturday involved a rail replacement service where we were the only ones on board, a nice walk, and lunch in a pub with a sea view.
- Sunday was almost identical, but the pub and sea views were different, and the bus was the regular service bus (winter timetable starts today).
- Scrum. Agile. Kanban. It’s all just words (and, often, pointless ones). At last, something I relate to.
- Originally recorded about the time of the election, Gus O’Donnell, the former Cabinet Secretary and Head of the Civil Service, spoke to The Rest Is Politics. Worth a listen to understand the transfer of power is as much about moving furniture as politics.
- Getting close to completing Celebrity Race Across the World, and at the end of the penultimate episode, it feels a bit set-up.
- Really enjoyed Five hours of pints with Paul Heaton. Looking forward to the new album.