Weeknotes #96: hats and Christmas

A lively recap of trains, media, and seasonal delights.

Week commencing Monday, 18 November 2024

A tea cup and saucer hat. The slogan "Sandown Is Just My Cup of Tea"s is written on the front of the cup.
Cup and saucer hat

Quantified Self

  • This week: Stand 7/7; Exercise 7/7 and Move 7/7. (100%). Morning walks: 0/3 (days in the office don’t count). Office days 2/5. Total steps: 55,436


  • Avanti Trains rejected my delay repay request because they said the delay was an issue with Transport for Wales. Is claiming intentionally hard?
  • Unusually, I was in the office on Tuesday as colder temperatures hit. More train delays and quite a cold office.
  • Also on Tuesday, Zoe Ball announced she would leave the Radio 2 breakfast show next month. It seems short-notice news, but it must have been in the works for a while as, simultaneously, Scott Mills was announced as the new host. Finally, he has a national breakfast show of his own.
  • Jaguar cars showed-off their rebrand and everybody has an opinion. I have no idea if it’s good or bad, relevant or irrelevant. I am just amused by The Internet’s reaction.
  • I don’t know if this is really the tone of the impartial journalist, but the Isle of Wight Observer’s article about the departure of Red Funnel’s operations director did make me laugh; “It remains uncertain if Ms Lakes’ new role at the RNLI will allow her to continue working from her comfortable home in Scotland, where she is said to be overlooked by a painting of a highland cow above her fireplace.”
  • Regular readers will recall I mentioned the wonderful Sandown Hat Parade back in the summer. This weekend some of those hats were on display at Quay Arts and it was fantastic to read the story behind them.
  • I am officially in the Christmas spirit after have a wander around Christmas World. A lot of money could have been spent if I’d wanted my house covered in Christmas.


Weeknotes #95: diaries and delays

Reflective week balancing personal, media, and creative activities.

Week commencing Monday, 11 November 2024

A nighttime photograph of Lord Hill's column in Shrewsbury and the roundabout in front of it with no cars circulating.

Quantified Self

  • This week: Stand 7/7; Exercise 7/7 and Move 77. (100%). Morning walks: 0/4. Office days 1/5. Total steps: 60,568


  • Hedge trimmers turned up on Monday morning about two hours early. I was in the shower, but PY let them in. They were completed within forty minutes, and there is way more light to the back decking. Wish I’d done it earlier in the year.
  • Related, we met the neighbour whose hedge was technically being cut. He was delighted we were doing it.
  • Quiz night: we got a few more correct puzzles this time, so we’re improving. We are still in the middle of the ranking; we cannot compete with our score the first time we went.
  • I re-read How I ship projects at big tech companies several times this week. It’s a useful reminder to focus on getting the project out and telling people about it.
  • Down memory lane, I found a blogpost written in 2004 after I’d been running a training course. It made me hunt my diaries for who I was training and what was the dinner. And I found the answer.
  • Related, later in the week I wanted to write a blog post about diary writing, so I did.
  • Relatedly, related, the article I mention in the blog post is compelling, touching, and fascinating. I urge you to read it.
  • Train delays to Shrewsbury on Thursday night and back on Sunday afternoon were not great. But the weekend was very enjoyable.
  • Sad news about Howard Hughes. He was The News Voice of Capital in the 90s.


On diary writing

The words "how are you feeling" hand written on a yellow legal notepad.

Occasionally, I look through old archives and entries on websites I have had since the dawn of the ‘net. On this day in 2005, I wrote a review of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. When I look closely at the URL of the original entry, I see that I spelt the film title as “spotess ming.” I do not think my typing has improved, but hopefully, my error detection has got better. The review suggested the film was “cool” but was otherwise non-committal.

Recently, I’ve noticed that much of my writing isn’t overly opinionated, often retelling activities but not how I felt about those actions. I write some things on a blog, and I write some things in a photo journal. They often read like a chronological record of the day and nothing more. Sometimes I am better than at other times. I can describe objects that have sentimental value better than I describe emotions connected to the chronology written in other entries. Writing in public, though, makes me write. I probably wouldn’t do it if I didn’t do it here. I want the incentive.

Words from both the blog and the photo journal are copied into a digital diary, so I am independent of hosting providers or external services to maintain a copy of my words. Yet, both the places I write for are public (regardless of the number of visitors), and I wonder if that makes me reticent to say what I feel about things.

I’ve been thinking about this for quite a while. I have a backlog of words written over the years, and it’s fascinating to see what I was doing on this day in history. Still, I can’t fathom what I was thinking or how I was feeling. Would somebody reading all this when I am gone, if anybody ever does, know how I felt about anything? I want to get better but don’t know how to start. For sure, it won’t be on this site.

This week, I found a blog post and accompanying photograph from the tube, written in 2004, taken after I’d been running a training course for some customers. After seeing it come up on my personal ‘on this day’, I was able to hunt through my diaries to discover which customer I had been training and what the dinner was (the invite included who and a rough where: “hello curry place” in Tooting). But I have no idea how I felt about either of those things.

Coincidentally, I was pointed to a September 2021 article in The Atlantic titled “What Bobby McIlvaine Left Behind.” It’s a compelling piece of writing about the death of a son/brother/fiancé who was killed in the terrible events of 9/11. One of the things left behind was a collection of diaries and notepads. The piece reminds us that the written word is a way to connect with people when they are not around, perhaps even to know them better.

We all have photographs and, increasingly, video. Still, unless somebody’s secretly making a documentary about me, the picture my photos will paint is external: where was I, who was I with, what was I wearing? It’s a visual calendar.

I love my visual history of pictures and videos. I was one of the first people I knew who digitised almost all my old photographs and made them accessible (at least to me). Not only that, I tried to properly tag them with people and places. I can be at dinner with friends where we are talking about a past event we were at or somebody we’ve lost touch with, and if I was there, or if I knew them, I can bring up a picture. Each image documents a little bit of me, but to me, they stir a head full of other memories, thoughts, and emotions. Those ‘others’ aren’t visible to the people I am showing the picture to. Only a diary might be able to tell that.

I need to find a way to feel confident writing down my feelings. As I type, I am a bit tired. I am looking forward to my dinner (prepared by the adorable PY), and I am frustrated about a couple of things that happened at work. I am sad but also relieved that I could not make it to my Tai Chi class. I’m excited to visit my parents tomorrow. But is that enough?

Any tips on better ways to document life’s invisible parts are appreciated.

Weeknotes #94: fireworks and music

A lively week full of events, media, and minor challenges.

Week commencing Monday, 4 November 2024

The stage lit up with the words 'Come On and Take Me, Come On and Shake Me' as part of the Eurovision On Tour performance in London.
Eurovision On Tour – London

Quantified Self

  • This week: Stand 7/7; Exercise 7/7 and Move 77. (100%). Morning walks: 0/4 (days in the office don’t count). Office days 1/5. Total steps: 60,073


  • I coughed a lot. And it gave me a headache. Not the greatest week for feeling good.
  • Later in the week, Boots cancelled my pre-booked flu jab for the second time. I walked into another local pharmacy, and they did it there and then. And they were really lovely about it.
  • I didn’t watch any of the on-the-night coverage of the US elections after I’d watched the opening 5 minutes of Channel Four’s coverage, and it was already shouty and argumentative. I found out the result when I woke on Wednesday. People were visibly down at my morning stand-up.
  • It was a last-minute decision to see the fireworks in Wimbledon Park, and I am very glad that I did. The queues for food were very slow.
  • Thursday, I stayed a bit too long at work drinks before getting to Eurovision on Tour. Then we had to leave early for dinner reservations. In between, the music was fun, but I didn’t know many of the songs. The meal was lovely at the Old Compton Brasserie, mainly because the service was fab. It was my second ‘smash burger’ in a week. I didn’t know what they were this time last week.
  • The 007 at Burlington Arcade, celebrating 60 Years of Goldfinger, has removed the golden cars shown on the site (replaced by festiveness). Inside was less of an exhibition than expected. The cocktails, while expensive, were lovely. If you worked there, you’d have to like the Bond themes.
  • New Writers showcase previewed a lot of great new musical songs. I hope they get picked up.


  • I saw my first Christmas ad. It was for Waitrose and is a pudding mystery. Will there be a second part? Nice idea.
  • I really enjoyed watching the first four episodes of Ludwig this week. David Mitchell’s accidental detective was exactly what I expected. PY noticed the similarities, especially in music, to Disney’s Only Murders.

Weeknotes #93: Halloween, Beetlejuice and Christmas

A lively week of outings, media, and festive anticipation

Week commencing Monday, 28 October 2024

Close up on the cut out eyes of a Halloween pumpkin

Quantified Self

  • This week: Stand 7/7; Exercise 7/7 and Move 7/7. (100%). Morning walks: 0/4. Office days 1/5. Total steps: 55,438


  • Monday, it’s very noticeable in the supermarket that Christmas is coming. There was a tiny section focused on Halloween, but entire sections of the store are already providing festive inspiration.
  • There does not appear to be a consistent way to describe the size of replacement fridges. Oh for standardisation.
  • Impromptu drinks and some baba ghanoush in Mora Meza on Tuesday. Yay.
  • Wednesday. The budget. On big plans, HS2 to London is good and might impact me directly, assuming I am still around when it’s finished.
  • My office day was followed by our regular last-Thursday drinks. Outside the pub, I actually watched somebody use a distraction technique to try to steal a phone. Very clever, but we saw and he ran off; the phone was still with the owner.
  • When a trip to a supermarket is my Friday night entertainment, maybe I need a reset.
  • Due to poor service in the restaurant, our family lunch moved across to the Street Burger, where the service was exceptional (and the food good too).


  • Saturday night was my annual viewing of The Nightmare Before Christmas: although closer to Halloween than Christmas this year. It set us up for …
  • … a really nice way to spend a Sunday morning: Beetlejuice Beetlejuice captured the humour and eccentricity of the original film, while making the film feel more modern. This is not a recycled nostalgia trip. Recommended.
  • When The Evening Standard went weekly, I found a collection of new London writing, and it’s all excellent: The London Minute, London Centric, and The Londoner.